December 23, 2014
This day started off just about the same as any other... Caleb was home that Tuesday morning so I could go to my 39 week OB appointment at 10 am. Technically I wasn't 39 weeks until Christmas Day :) My doctor decided to strip my membranes at that point since I was 2cm dilated the week before and my cervix was beginning to thin out. I felt a little crampy after leaving my appointment but didnt think anything of it.Brilynn had a play date with her bestie from school that afternoon. (approx 1:30pm) As we headed out the door it started pouring down rain. We were at our play date for about two hours during which, I felt many REAL contractions but they were about 30 minutes apart and not consistent at all. We got in the car and it was still pouring rain outside when my contractions started to become very strong and about 15 minutes apart regularly. (approx 4pm) I called Caleb because I knew this was the real deal and told him to, "Come home ASAP I might be dying." (I can be a little dramatic) I could barely talk during each contraction at this point. By the time Brilynn and I got home I was doubled over in pain with each contraction which were now about 5 minutes apart. Brilynn decided it would be a good time for twenty questions, "Mommy what are you doing? Whats for dinner? Is daddy's friend Rick coming to get me? Can I play with him? Are you okay? Why are you breathing so hard? Is Jameson hurting you? Do you have to poop? Can I eat that cookie? Where are you going?.........." Super cute timing Bri ugggggghhh.
We were planning on leaving Brilynn at home with Caleb's parents who were on their way to us from Kansas that very day. They just so happened to be in the middle of a pouring rain monsoon in Tennessee. GREAT.
Caleb got home and Brilynn went to our friend Rick's house. We were headed to the hospital when Caleb said, "YOU ONLY HAVE 10 MILES LEFT IN YOUR TANK?!"... oops. I am notorious for waiting until the last minute to get gas. Let's just say there are some habits I haven't shaken since high school. Soooo we stopped to get gas. At this point my contractions were 3 minutes apart and OW.
We finally got to the hospital with no traffic praise the Lord! (approx 5pm) The nurse in L&D greeted us with a very nonchalant "How are you doing?" I thought, "WELL I'M IN LABOR AND IT HURTS LIKE HELL." But thankfully Caleb responded with a, "Hi my wife is in labor." and I was off to triage. They took all my vitals and hooked me up on an IV. They told me I was dilated 5cm and whisked me off to a delivery room. I was ACTUALLY at 7cm (of which they told Caleb) upon arrival. I was later told that they didn't want me to panic. That was probably a smart move. I begged for my epidural and I finally got one after manhandling a poor nurse who was trying to help me breathe through my contractions. (approx 6:30pm) RELIEF. I love epidurals. It slowed down my labor just a little bit because it took me about one more hour to get to 10cm and it was time to push! After about 20 minutes of pushing our precious little baby boy was born!
Welcome to the world Jameson Robert <3
Christmas Eve
The next day was Christmas Eve and Caleb's parents brought big sister up to the hospital to meet her baby brother for the first time. She was very shy at first but then wanted to hold him and love on him right when she laid eyes on him.

They do say your labor gets shorter with each child but I was not expecting to go from 12 hours with Brilynn to 5 hours with Jameson.... pretty insane how fast it all went down. God knew the perfect timing for our little man to arrive!
We left the hospital at about 10pm Christmas Eve because we did NOT want to be there on Christmas. Total hospital stay=28 hours. Not too bad if I do say so myself!
We love our little blessing <3 God is so good!