Tuesday, December 16, 2014

9 Months

Here's a precious little update! Baby Perrine WILL BE HERE THIS MONTH because our doctor is going on vacation New Years Day. I've only seen this one doctor my whole pregnancy and she delivers all of her own patients-which is pretty awesome if you ask me. He will be here in 16 days or less! WHAT IS HAPPENING. Surreal. Went to the doctor last Thursday and he is head down ready to launch just NO dilation or effacement :( Praying I'm dilated just a teeeeeeensy bit this Thursday. At 37.5 weeks he's getting big fast and my body is starting to feel heavy and uncomfortable, but I'll take it. So thankful.

Although Brilynn has been exhausting and daily tasks are becoming more like mountain climbs, this pregnancy as a whole has been amazing. I've been eating my whole food "diet", taking my JuicePlus, cycling, and doing my sunrise yoga. I've had so much energy and have been sleeping so well up until this point. My skin and complexion have been extremely clear as well, last pregnancy, not so much.

You'd think I would be more prepared this time around since I kinda know what to expect buuuuut that isn't the case at all. His nursery is still a guest room, his dresser is still in his sisters room, I have read zero baby books, and no hospital bags are packed. I will pack a bag this week so I feel a little bit more prepared.... hey, at least he has the essentials: diapers, an outfit, blanket, somewhere to sleep and a car seat. Winning.

Brilynn is beyond excited to be a big sister. It warms my heart to the core to see how in love she is with her brother already. She kisses him, hugs him, talks about him constantly and always includes him. She now calls our "Mommy-Daughter Dates"->"Mommy-Daughter-Jameson Dates" hehe. We went on a hospital tour Sunday just to figure out where the heck we are going in this town to give birth and she loved every minute getting to be involved. Mommy on the other hand, had a little anxiety thinking about doing it all over again. Daddy is just glad he knows where to park the car haha.

Brilynn asked me the ever so dreaded question every parent stumbles to answer, "Mom, how did baby Jameson get in your tummy?"

"Well my dear precious child, God put him there."
"How did He do that?"
"It's a miracle and God answered mommy and daddy's prayers."
"Well did you pray for me to be a child?"
"Yes I did."
"Oh, okay. Did you swallow baby Jameson in your mouth?"
"No, he just started growing from a tiny tiny little baby in mommy's tummy because God wanted him to be in our lives."
"Mom, did you know that Jesus is the newborn King?"

I survived.

My amazing in-laws are planning to be here when he arrives so that we will have someone here at the house for Bri to love and kiss on her. I'm wanting and stressing that everything will remain "normal" while we go to the hospital without her. We even have a gift ready for her from her brother so she feels included in the whole ordeal. I've been making a point to explain in great detail to her what babies need. I have also been showing her pictures of when she was a newborn so she knows and will remember she was once the same size as her brother. I know she is going to be a big helper and I'm praying the transition will be smooth and painless.

I'm working on a post of all the natural products and things I've been using this pregnancy and am writing reviews :) Stay tuned.

I also have to share Brilynn's prayer before bed tonight "Dear Jesus, thank you for our food. Thank you for the peace and the blood in our bodies. Amen."

xoxo GG

Thursday, November 6, 2014

My Money Saving Strategies

So basically since being a SAHM (Stay at home mom) I have learned to be pretty darn frugal. Living on one income is an art that must be mastered. I clip coupons yes, but I DO NOT buy a bunch of crap just because I have a coupon for it. Those "Extreme Coupon" ladies sure do save a large percentage but I just don't need 1,000 Preparation H wipes nor do I have the room to store them. Many many many and most coupons that you get in your Sunday paper and even online are vastly for highly processed and sugary foods. My family just doesn't eat those things. We stick to mostly fresh and organic foods and non-toxic household products. With that being said, it is possible to save money on HEALTHY items. I find it more valuable to feed my family real food and keep them healthy, rather than feed them sugar and toxins because uhhhh health is a very valuable thing...and we hate doctors offices :) So without further a due....

I Check Many Online Deal Sites

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Hip2Save 

Collin, the owner of the site, posts ALL KINDS of deals every single minute of every single day. She even categorizes things by store for you so it's easy to search. She has a coupon database so you can find all of the available coupons to print before you head to the store. I personally check her Target Weekly Deals every week to see if there is something we NEED on the list and her Amazon deals. She also posts awesome clothing discounts and giveaway deals often so this is a great one to monitor regularly. She also has an iPhone and iPad app that is free to download so you always have this on hand! I even look her up while I'm shopping to make sure I'm not missing a great deal.

2. QueenBee Coupons

 I use this blog mostly for online deals because she lives in the Seattle area. A lot of the stores she has there, we don't have here in the South. She has an AWESOME Costco price comparison list that I use constantly to make sure that buying in bulk at Costco is actually more cost effective than at a local grocer.

3. Money Saving Mom

Crystal is a GREAT blogger. I love her because shes a Christian, stay a home mom, who has made a successful living through blogging. We share a lot of the same values and she always posts practical info. She has wonderful menu planning posts, recipes, money saving tips, home school info, & blogging tips.

I Use A Few Couponing Databases

1. Mambo Sprouts

This is a WONDERFUL couponing database for health food store brand food such as Trader Joes or Whole Foods. I have found a couple of these brands at Kroger as well! They also have a ton of info on what actually goes into food, what foods you should avoid, etc. Lately I have used this one a lot.

2. Target Coupons

Target actually has some pretty awesome coupons online. They change every month and you can only use them at Target. If you follow the above couponing sites you can usually score a GREAT deal stacking coupons. (Stacking coupons=using a store coupon+a manufacturers coupon+Target cartwheel=amazing deal!) Also get mobile coupons by texting OFFERS to 827438 whaaaaaat!

3. Target Cartwheel App

If you don't use this app already then you are just silly! All you have to do is scan the bar-code of the item you need to purchase and more often than not you can save an extra 5-50% on that one item! ON TOP OF YOUR COUPON OR SALE PRICE. Pretty awesome.

4. Redplum & Coupons.com

You basically select a product and print the coupon from these two-Sometimes these have healthy food coupons but not often. Most of these foods and products are very bad for you and have toxic chemicals in them so be aware of what you're buying!

I Read Weekly Ads For The Stores I Shop

1. Target

I always check their grocery ad to make sure I am getting the lowest price on what I need that week. This is always online as well as in your Sunday paper.

2. Whole Foods

I get 100% of my ORGANIC produce and what would normally be highly processed foods (but are made more naturally) from here. Especially these foods. I check Ewg.org for literally every food under the sun to see how "good" it is to actually consume. They also post weekly deals online and have coupons!!

3. Costco

I love I love I love Costco. Especially because they have so many organic and natural products that we use in bulk. They don't accept coupons but have a monthly ad that offers numerous discounts on select foods.

4. Kroger

They carry a lot more organic and natural products now and the prices are getting better and better. However, their brand selection is low and their produce selection is very limited. I'm hoping they improve this soon because it's a lot closer to us than Whole Foods! Kroger offers digital coupons that you can load straight to your Kroger card online! I get a lot of Kroger coupons when I check out to use at my next visit. TIP:THIS IS THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY ORGANIC MILK :)

Receipt Submission Apps

I use three apps that give me cash back on select purchases
1. Ibotta
2. Snap by Groupon
3. Checkout51
You basically select which items on their list you purchased that trip, submit a picture of your receipt, and get cash back.... Pretty easy way to save a little $!

What Do I Do With This Info?

I'm sure this is really overwhelming info-but I do not do this every day. I try to meal plan twice a month because I hate going to the store quite honestly.

First I find recipes that I like and "pin" them to my Pintrest for quick reference. Then I write down all of the ingredients needed for those recipes. I then go to my pantry or fridge and cross off the things we already have to avoid buying duplicates and wasting money. I then search these data bases for coupons and sales that match my shopping trip. Usually I make my menu plans based on foods that are on sale at that time.


1. I always check the manager specials isle at Kroger. Always.

2. If it can be frozen, I buy the item in bulk when there is a sale and freeze accordingly.

3. READ THE NUTRITION LABELS ON PRODUCTS YOU PURCHASE. This is huge. If you cant pronounce what your putting in your body, just don't eat it or look it up first! Fooducate is a wonderful app that allows you to scan a bar-code on a product and find out the nutrition facts and healthier alternatives. Pretty awesome!

4. I cut recipes in half to save $$. We used to throw tons of left overs away every week=$$ down the drain.

5. Shop the outer edges of the store! All of the healthier foods are on the perimeter of the store and the junk is typically in the middle.

6. Buy produce in season! This can save you a ton of money. The fruits and veggies that are in season are always cheaper.

7. Since I am now a seasoned deal shopper, I know where the items we purchase the most are the cheapest. Writing down prices on frequently bought items in your home is a great idea!!

8. When shopping online, always use Ebates.com or Shopathome.com to get extra percentages in cash back on your purchases!

I'm sure I'll think of more to add to this post in the future but for now this is where I leave you.
Happy Shopping!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


It sure has been a long time since I've written on this thang. I promise I have good reasons for not doing so...

After our miscarriage...

I honestly didn't have the passion to write or share anything, nor did I know what to even write about. I was very upside-down in my life and just wasn't normal. I didn't want to see or hear about any one else having a baby. I've realized that time does NOT heal wounds, God does.

But then...

We got pregnant almost immediately after we lost our baby. This was really emotionally confusing to say the least. I was still mourning the loss of someone I loved so much but wanted to celebrate this new life growing inside of me. Being pregnant after losing a baby is obviously unlike anything I've experienced before. It was SO HARD for me to be excited again. I was timid to tell anyone because "what if it happened again?..." Naturally after a woman finds out shes pregnant she can't help but think way into the future about what the baby will look like, will it be a boy or a girl?, will she look like me?, cute nursery ideas, and so on and so forth. I kept shoving these thoughts and feelings deep inside to protect myself. Each doctors appointment came with extreme anxiety about what the doctor would say, see, or hear. Every little twinge and cramp threw me into a panic thinking something was wrong. It's exhausting. I kept thinking "Oh if I just get to that 12 week mark I can be calm again.." Well that point came and I was STILL uneasy. Then 14 weeks came and we got to see our baby on an ultrasound. He was moving like crazy and had a strong heartbeat = AMAZING. This created an even stronger bond I had with this little gift from God. I would say at about the 20 week mark is when I finally started to relax a little and enjoy being pregnant.
They say you find out who your real friends are when you go through a tragedy or trial and I believe that to be 100% truth. I have really great friends here that really do care about me and my family, and for that I am so incredibly thankful. Ultimately though, all I could and can do is trust that God will take care of me and my family, because he loves us.

And now...

I am happy to report as of today we are 30 weeks pregnant with a precious little boy that we are going to name Jameson. Throughout this pregnancy I have worked extremely hard to stay healthy by going to the gym regularly and eating organic, natural foods to support this growing babe. We are over the moon excited to have a son and Brilynn is BEYOND excited to be a big sister.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Homemade Sunscreen

'Tis the season! I made my own sunscreen. I used to think it was a total waste of time to do it but, since reading many different blogs about the horrendous toxicity of brand name sunscreens I gave it a try.

 'Aint she cute?

I got the recipe from a gal in one of my moms group's blog My Merry Messy Life - Thanks Sara!

She goes into great detail about why store brand sunscreen is horrible for you and your babies! There are many chemicals in them that aren't even necessary to protect you from the sun! Nuts.

EWG.org also explains some Surprising facts about sunscreen that I find incredibly interesting. The scariest fact to me is that sunscreen doesn't necessarily protect you from getting skin cancer. Although scientists conclude that you can cut your risk in half by avoiding tanning beds and severe sunburns. 
What's very interesting though is that sunscreen sales have exceeded 1 billion dollars in the past five years but the numbers of deadly melanoma have more than doubled in the last 30 years. How does this even make sense?? It doesn't. So I have resulted in making my own!


1 cup raw, unrefined shea butter or cocoa butter ( I used shea butter from Amazon)
1/2 cup raw organic coconut oil (I but mine in bulk from Costco or SAMS)
1/2 cup sweet almond oil (other carrier oils are fine to use as well)
2 tbsp beeswax (for waterproofing)
8 tbsp non-nono zinc oxide (this makes the sunscreen about 40 spf)
2 tbsp of water
OPTIONAL- Essential oil for fragrance. ( I used lavender only and it smells heavenly-about 20 drops)

 Instructions from My Merry Messy Life

  1. In a double boiler (or a smaller pot inside of a larger pot that has water in it), melt together the shea butter, beeswax, coconut oil and almond oil together.
  2. Once it all turns to liquid, let the oils cool in the fridge (I put the pot in the fridge once it returns to room temperature so I don’t have to clean more dishes)
  3. Once it has returned to being hard (an hour or more), whip it with a hand mixer or a standing mixer for a few minutes.
  4. Then, add the water, zinc oxide and optional essential oils.
  5. Whip for about five minutes to emulsify the ingredients.
  6. Scoop into a jar and you’re done!
I used an almond butter jar and a Clinique body butter jar to keep all of it in.


My sunscreen smells so much better than the store bought kind, its more moisturizing, and its not toxic :D I love it I love it I love it!! I've used it on a 1 year old on up to a 6 year old and none of them were burned or complained that it burned their eyes!


xoxo GG

Friday, March 21, 2014


My sister's 21st birthday is this weekend & I want MORE THAN ANYTHING to be there celebrating along side her. This is the hardest (and only) thing I miss about my hometown. My sister is the greatest girlfriend that I will ever have. I treasure her and our friendship beyond words. She is the person I have to tell what great Pintrest thing I made even though it completely sucks compared to hers, she gets why I am so emotional, & she loves me even though I may be a little too honest sometimes. My sister is a profound mother & soon to be wife. I admire many things about her: She is quiet when she should be, she takes other people's feelings into consideration at all times, she is super loyal, she can always see the good in that one person most people have a hard time loving & she is SO DARN CRAFTY. That woman can embroider a pillow for crying out loud. Her artistic mind is truly something to be envied.

I just love my sisters. BOTH of them are so great. My youngest sister will be 11 this summer. Yes, I am 24 and have an 11 year old sister. Stuff happens. But HOLY MOLY this kid was 2 years old the other day. Although we have had more of a mother-daughter relationship her whole life, she is a stellar sister, and better yet she is an outstanding aunt to my daughter. She is only 7 years older than my daughter & they are besties.

My point is, is that siblings are such a GREAT life-long gift. Without them, who would you get into trouble with, play with, fight with, laugh with, talk about your parents with, discover with, or raise your own children with? God knows we need them and God knows we will love them no matter what. Which is why I want to give my daughter a sibling more than anything on this earth. I want her to know what a joy it is to be the big sister.

This January, I thought, would FINALLY be that time. We found out we were pregnant January 14. Words cannot express how overwhelmed with God's love I was. I was finally going to be able to give my daughter the gift of a lifetime, a sibling. Our six week appointment finally arrived & we were super excited to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time. As we were all huddled around the sonogram screen I knew instantly something was wrong. There was no sound, no heartbeat. I felt ill. I thought I was going to throw up, cry, and die all at the same time. Our doctor told us that there was a 5% chance of a healthy pregnancy and that we could come back next week just in case it was just too early to hear the heartbeat. I was beyond distraught, beyond sad, and beyond depressed. But I still had hope that maybe, just maybe, that God had a miracle planned. I prayed & prayed & prayed because God was the only thing keeping me afloat. I was encouraged by amazing women and men to keep seeking The Lord. That next week, which seemed like years, came and my appointment was cancelled because of the snow storm. I rescheduled for the next week, it was cancelled again because of bad weather. I thought "WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Why do I have to deal with this? This is not supposed to happen to me. Bad things are not supposed to happen to me, they happen to other people, not me, right?" Wrong. We eventually found out that we miscarried our six week old baby.

I wish I were dreaming. I thought maybe I would wake up from this horrible dream I was having. My dream was reality. So real that it stung every other minute of every day. It still stings, but not as often. Only because God was holding my hand, IS holding my hand. This has to be part of His plan for my life. This has to give Him glory. This has to bring me closer to Him. I have to learn something from this. Because that is the only reason we are here on this earth. For those four things. That is the only explanation.

You know when something is happening in your life and almost everything you hear reminds you of your situation? Well, for the next month, at church, the pastor's messages were all in relation to what I was going through, loss and weakness. My women's Ruth Bible study is based on loss, love, and how to deal with grief. I am in a book study as well and we are reading about how to discern God's voice and His will for your life, which helped a ton. Women were telling me their stories and how they had miscarried once too. Either before of after having their healthy children. Oddly, this gave me hope and was actually comforting to know that I wasn't alone. This didn't just happen to me. God was surrounding me with people and situations that were encouraging, comforting, and eye opening. God can be glorified in such a seemingly horrible situation. I can share my story and maybe help another woman or women who have suffered the same thing. I can share that I found comfort in a few verses and that God helped me through it. Because He did. He helped me get out of bed in the morning, attend my Bible studies, talk to people and admit that I am weak. But when I am weak, He is strong. 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

I wasn't going to share my story. I wasn't going to let people know that I am weak. If you know me at all you will know that it is very hard for me to admit when I am wrong, weak, or sad. I don't cry and I don't cry in front of other people. I have felt the urge to share what has happened for a few days now and am finally taking the plunge so that I can officially keep walking forward. Miscarriage hurts mentally, emotionally and physically. I am hurt. If I would have turned away from Him during all of this I know for a fact I would not be okay today. I can say with confidence that today, I am okay.  Because I have faith that He will give our daughter the sibling(s) she deserves. I have faith in Him and He knows the desires of my heart.

James 1:12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

I will never, ever forget him or her, this is something I will hold onto forever. I am sad that I'll never get to hold their little hand or kiss their chunky little cheeks, I'll never rock them or teach them how to walk, I'll never get to look at them and tell them I love them. But I do know who will be doing those things for them, Jesus.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Touchy Feely

First Things First

My sister, soon to be brother in law, and nephew came to town to good 'ol Atlanta at the end of January. Rightfully so, I was so darn excited I almost peed my pants. I love them. So much. We went to fun lunches, laughed, played, kissed, & hugged. The not so fun part was that we all got trapped in the oh so cute Snowpocalypse of Georgia 2014. Holy crap was this annoying. Who knew 2 inches of snow could cause such chaos and havoc. People were literally abandoning their cars, peeing on the side of the road, and eating at that last gas station that was open in town because everything, and I mean everything, was closed. Even McDonald's. We were stuck for SEVEN hours. That trip downtown to IKEA was still totally worth it. Right Cailin? ;) I am counting down the days until I get to see them again FOR THEIR WEDDING in May. My wittle sissy is getting married! Shes getting married to a man that we love & we are veddy excited that he will be a part of our dysfunctional family hehe.

Studying By Choice

I have also started an AWESOME Bible study at our church about the book of Ruth. I didn't know it two months ago, but God led me to this study at the most perfect time in my life. Sometimes I am just in awe of how great He really is. Okay, I am all the time. I have gotten in the habit of writing down verses that really jump out at me and tug at my heart strings. A recent one is from Galatians 6:9: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." -Emphasis from Kelly Minter. I look at it as though life is like a barley harvest. We have to sow before we reap. All of your things may seem really REALLY bad right now, but we have got to put in the hard work and prayer before we can reap the benefits God has waiting for us. Personally, I am so looking forward to reaping what God has waiting for our family. He is forever faithful.

I Have A Job

I have started watching an almost one year old. Brilynn had a hard time getting used to him aka sharing with him, but now she loves him. Maybe because some of my attention is now off of her to give her time to do something sneaky... I love that I can work at home. Which brings me to my next thought...

Can I just say how thankful I am that I can be a stay at home mom?

I am beyond thankful that I get to teach my daughter all day long. I actually know what she is doing, who she is with, what shes eating, how shes feeling, what she likes to do, how smart she is, who her friends are, teach her manners, teach her about God, give her hugs and kisses, etc. The list goes on and on and on. I have been on both sides of the spectrum. I had my first "big girl job" after college and my daughter went to an all day daycare. It was a great day care and they truly care about the children, but its not anything like her mommy or daddy. It broke my heart that some stranger knew more about my daughter's day than I did and that she would cry when she would get dropped off daily. Even during the day while I was at work I thought about her and wondered what she was doing or feeling and I was so sad that I didn't know the answer. I commuted one hour each way to work, so I had to leave before she even got out of bed. By the time I got back into town it was 6PM. We got home, she ate, and went to bed. Then we did it all over again. Day after day. Thankfully my hubby worked in town and could be there if she needed him and at least she got to see him in the mornings and after day care. Eventually I started to dislike my job, the job I had ALWAYS wanted, because I couldn't see my daughter or spend any time with my husband. These two things are more important than any job, I didn't realize what I was giving up by being a working mom. I didn't want to quit, because: 1. I am not a quitter & 2. because we had a mortgage to pay for, on top of a rental at the time. After what seemed like an eternity of driving back and forth, my husband got a promotion in Atlanta and we were moving within a month. This was a huge sigh of relief on behalf of our family & I could stay home with our daughter. Now trust me when I say this, we DO NOT have bookoos of money and cash laying around. THE SECRET to being a stay at home mom is that we have a budget, we coupon, and we don't buy meaningless crap. Most people do not know what this means but with a lot of prayer and Dave Ramsey, we make it work. This is a very condensed version of the story but without God and his perfect plan, we would not be where we are.

I am not discrediting moms who work, nor am I saying they are bad moms. Some moms are called to work and it is Gods plan for them, but it is not God's plan for me and He has given me so much darn peace about it. It's amazing that even as little as three years ago if you would have asked me if I would rather stay home with my kids or work, I would have said "WORK!" so loud and so fast it would have knocked you off your chair. The Holy Spirit convicted me and my feelings. He called me to be a mother and that is what I am bound and determined to do through Him.

Yep, there are those of you who are saying "OMG SHES CRAZY my children are nuts! I wouldn't be able to do that all day!" I do go crazy. I go crazy a lot. There are some days where I just miss talking to an adult. I get sick of saying "No" or "please stop breaking that" or "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?!" or threatening my child so that she will just sit down for five seconds without destroying something. At the end of the day when my daughter is finally asleep I sit down for a minute and remember all of the kisses, laughs, hilarity, and times where she surprises me with her smart, smart brain and I smile :) It's worth it. Because she will be out of the house some day and won't have time to finger paint with her mom anymore. She will be out with her friends, playing sports, going to school, dating boys and just living life based on what my husband and I taught her (hopefully). She won't be staying at home with her stay at home mom. I want to treasure and extend every single moment while she is still willing to kiss me in public.

I still tell my mother in law that shes crazy for home schooling her children, but when God has a plan for you and you never thought you would do X, Y, or Z, He will give you the tools to do His will.

I don't want to leave out all the single moms out there. You all are rock-stars. Single moms have to work to support their families. They have to be the mom and the dad. If any of you know a single mom & you get to be a stay at home mommy, HELP THEM OUT. Watch their kiddos for the afternoon so she can go to the store by herself. Bring her a meal so she doesn't have to think about dinner after work. Do something. We are all called to love one another & these are simple things that can change lives!

 Personal Thoughts

Looking back on my life thus far, the concept of God's plan couldn't be more true. Every single struggle, laugh, and celebration has been because that is what God wanted me to do, feel, and get through. He doesn't make mistakes. It has been almost exactly one year since I have been baptized as a Christian. This past year has been the most enriching & spiritual year of my entire life. I know who I am and am comfortable with who Brittany is inside and out. I am blessed to have peace, comfort & joy. I feel like I am finally me. I feel free.

Monday, February 3, 2014

My Homemade Deodorant

If you would have told me a couple years ago that I would be making my own deodorant I would have laughed in your face. "AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!" 
Well, turns out, I got time for that because it only takes me like six minutes.


I was doing some research and came across some info that made me hate brand name deodorant.

Like so many other cosmetics, several of the ingredients used in most deodorants and antiperspirants are not so good for you. Like these:
  • Aluminum – This is the primary ingredient in most stuff you’ll buy at the store. It’s a metal which has been linked to breast cancer in women and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. No thanks.
  • Parabens – This synthetic preservative is found in so many personal care products. The largest concern is that these chemicals will disrupt our delicate hormonal balance. Paraben exposure has also been linked to birth defects and organ toxicity.
  • Propylene glycol – This is a petroleum based material. In large quantities, studies have shown that this stuff can cause damage to the central nervous system, liver, and heart.
  • Phthalates – Another class of chemicals that have been linked to a variety of health issues including birth defects.
  • Triclsoan – This chemical is actually classified as a pesticide by the FDA and a probable carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Sounds pretty horrible to me. Honestly, brand name deodorants BURNED ME and my husband & I hate BO that smells like flowers, just plain gross & I tried clinical strength which is $8 for just a morsel. HUGE WASTE of money.

Photo courtesy of Stephen Leigh Burns (No pun intended)
This is from his brand name deodorant. Exactly what was happening to my hubby. Very painful.

So I Decided To Make My Own

I like to use these cute little glass containers found on Amazon:


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil ( Sometimes I add more for extra creamy-ness)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (If you put anymore than this it sometimes burns your pits, especially after shaving OMG. This is the perfect amount for us :)
  • 1/3 cup arrowroot powder 
  • 10-1,000,000 drops of lavender and your favorite essential oils USE LAVENDER THOUGH because it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that work hard on them pits
  • I just mash it all together with the back of a spoon. This recipe yields one mini canning jar.

Where I Get The Goods

Coconut oil->I get this at SAMS because its HUGE and I use so so so so much of it. You can also get it in the natural foods section at Kroger or Dillons. Make sure it is organic and extra virgin!
Baking soda->I also get this at SAMS because I use the crap out of it. But you can get it at Kroger or Walmart.
Arrowroot powder->Amazon babay. I bought this in bulk because it was cheaper and I know it'll last me a very very long time.


  1. Now my husband doesn't have horrible pit stains on his shirts anymore.
  2. We aren't burning our pits.
  3. We arent spending tons of $$ on deodorant.
  4. Our pits are odor free & smell good.
  5. We aren't putting cancerous chemicals on our body.
P.S. My pits were a little sweaty the first three-five days that I started using it. Ive read that this is because your body is finally getting rid of the toxins in your body that antiperspirant keeps in from store bought brands. It doesn't stink so don't freak out! I actually sweat A LOT LESS than I used to and my husband reports that he does as well since making our own!!

Happy pits are sexy pits,

xoxo GG

Sunday, January 19, 2014

GREEN disinfectant spray

I used to be one of those people that used Clorox wipes for every occasion. Wiping out the car, kitchen counters, bathrooms, tables, children's butts, EVERYTHING. Then I looked up its toxicity on ewg.org and my life was forever changed. EWG rates products from A-F (kind of like grades) based on toxicity and how environmentally friendly they are. Clorox wipes got a nasty 'ol D. :/ Time for a change!!! The last thing I want is for my child to be touching surfaces that have these chemicals on them and putting them in or around her mouth.


Ingredients:Vinegar, peroxide, lavender, and tea tree oil

 *Fill half the bottle with vinegar then add 10-20 drops of lavender and 10-20 drops of tea tree oil (to desired smell) then I fill the rest of the spray bottle with peroxide annnnnnnnd done.*
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
All of these ingredients have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties=powerful germ killing machine. Cool.

Another perk is that if Brilynn touches surfaces that have this disinfectant on them, it wont be TOXIC and life threatening.
She would have to chug a pretty good amount of this stuff in order for us to have to visit the ER- but if she got some in her mouth we wouldn't have to call poison control! She may have a tummy ache and I would probably take her to the pediatrician if she had any reactions BUT it isnt TOXIC.

&& Not to mention it'll save you $$ to make this instead of buying store products!!! Win.

xoxo GG

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Many Uses for Lavender

 According to Mountain Rose Herbs:
"Lavender has been thought for centuries to arouse passions as an aphrodisiac, and is still one of the most recognized scents in the world."
Hey thats pretty sexy right? Also,
 "Lavender is native to the Mediterranean, but now cultivated in cool-winter, dry-summer areas in Europe and the Western United States. The use of Lavender goes back thousands of years, with the first recorded uses by the Egyptians during the mummification process. Both the Greeks and the Romans had many uses for it, the most popular being for bathing, cooking, as an ingredient in perfume, healing wounds, and as an insect repellant. Lavender was used as an after-bath perfume by the Romans, who gave the herb its name from the Latin lavare, to wash. During the Great Plague of 1665, grave robbers would wash their hands in a concoction called “Four Thieves Vinegar”, which contained lavender, wormwood, rue, sage, mint, and rosemary, and vinegar; they rarely became infected. English folklore tells that a mixture of lavender, mugwort, chamomile, and rose petals will attract sprites, fairies, brownies, and elves. "

Lavender is my FAVORITE essential oil. Not only does it smell absolutely amazing, it has many other uses:

  1. I use mine in some of my home-made beauty products (Those posts have yet to be written-coming soon). Topping the list are my deodorant, body wash, Brilynn's shampoo, and lotions.
  2. I also add it to my cleaning products because it kind of cancels out the nasty smell of vinegar, which I use in ALL of my cleaning products now. (How to make cleaning products post coming soon.)
  3. I have a tiny spray bottle that I put about 10 drops of lavender in & add water. Then I spray it on basically everything including laundry, bedding, pillows etc.
  4. Lavender is commonly used for relaxation. You can add it to a bath or spray it everywhere you see fit :)
  5.  It is known to relieve headaches and stress, just rub it on your temples.
  6. It is a NATURAL antibacterial and anti-fungal,  hence the many cleansing activities it is used for.
  7. If you breathe in the vapors of lavender it can help loosen up phlegm, kick colds, influenza, and any respiratory issues you may be having.
I love using anything that can kill germs and bacteria, but won't harm my family. There are so many nasty, CANCEROUS, & toxic chemicals out there that we Americans use every single day. Don't you wonder why millions of Americans suffer from being diagnosed with cancer SO MUCH nowadays?? I do.

A really informative website that I like to visit is called ewg.org. It will tell you how toxic and what exactly is toxic in the every day products you use. Anything from food-to makeup-to toilet bowl cleaner!
 WARNING: This website is highly addicting and do not visit it unless you are prepared to make extreme changes in what you use in your home!!

Just like tea tree oil: It is not meant for internal use! Make sure to dilute it with a carrier oil of your choice (coconut oil, jojoba oil) if you are using it while pregnant or nursing.

I get mine on Amazon!!
Get you some.
xoxo GG

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Is it depressing to live in Wichita Kansas?

When I saw this I thought "WHAT?! Wichita is in the TOP 10 most depressing places in the nation?!" It has even been thrown in with East St. Louis and Detroit for crying out loud. Being from Wichita, this is hard for me to believe because I know personally what Wichita has to offer. BUT then again, it was all I knew for 21ish years...

I can see why Wichita would be in the top 2 worst cities for dating because everybody knows everybody in that town! You would almost always be dating someone you already knew, someone you know has dated, or someone they know has dated you. This is especially true if you were born and raised in Wichita. Take all of that and throw in nothing to do but go to bars and you've got lots of lame dating.

Tornadoes have been popping up all over the country lately so I don't think this is a valid argument. Tornadoes always suck and will always suck.

Compared to Manhattan, KS

My family and I moved to Manhattan KS in the Fall of 2011 from Wichita. I wasn't extremely excited to say the least BUT I knew that He was in control and it turned out to be a blessing. The first thing I noticed was that people *gasp* ride their bikes around town in Manhattan?! And people enjoy being outdoors there too-- i.e. they go hiking, biking, walking, enjoy fitness & run marathons quite often. This was not something we were accustomed to back home and it was rather inspiring. Manhattan was actually a breathe of fresh air compared to Wichita. "Aggieville" is a blast. It's a fun place for all ages really but if you're over the age of 25, it's not fun to hang out with underage drinkers at 1am BERP :/

My daughter had the choice of several different city parks and the city pools in Manhattan ARE AWESOME. They're all like water parks. The only water park in Wichita got closed down..... sad.

Wichita State is both me and my husband's Alma mater, but the only fun things to do at WSU are go to basketball games and volleyball games. Everything about the University is pretty lame. Not to mention the location is EXTREMELY scary. I can't even remember how many times an armed robbery was reported on 17th street (where a lot of the Greek housing is.) And sadly, if you want to go to college in Wichita you either have WSU or Butler community college to chose from, which is all the way in Andover.
UPDATE*** Friends University and Newman University are also available to attend near downtown Wichita.*** (my bad)

K-State, in Manhattan, has a beautiful campus and is actually a fun school to attend (So I have heard and experienced from some close friends.) It's like two different worlds in the same state. The summers are also awesome in Manhattan because all of the students leave and the traffic is ZERO :) This makes for a very peaceful summer with things to do as a family.
***Disclaimer-I am in no way, shape or form, a K state fan. I am just comparing the two cities***

In Wichita during the summer growing up, all I remember doing is going to the neighborhood or country club pool every. single. day. OH AND the movie theater every single evening because that's all there is to do. Wichita has an awesome zoo, but you have to admit if you're from Wichita, you can only go so many times before you have the map memorized. This to me, IS somewhat depressing.

Also, can I just say that my allergies were horrendous in both Wichita and Manhattan!!? (A select few who know this from back home would have to agree. ;))

Compared to Atlanta

This is actually somewhat unfair. Wichita compared to Atlanta is like comparing a funeral to a birthday. We moved to Atlanta from Manhattan in the Summer of 2013. I was very sad to leave my family and close friends from Kansas but was SO READY to experience something new for a change.

The first thing I noticed about Atlanta was the traffic. HOLY MOLEY a 9 lane highway?? I thought this only existed on Mars. Everyone is traveling 15 mph over the speed limit and surprisingly not wrecking and killing themselves? Where am I? In Wichita, the person who goes over 65 on Kellogg is a dead man. Ticket Ticket Ticket.  What the heck is a carpool lane? I'll tell you what it is, it's the best darn invention on this earth. You can get to your destination in half the time if you have more than one person in your car. Brilliant.
"Oh so you take this street West for 100 miles and you'll find your destination?" Uh no, think again. That only happens in Wichita apparently. Here in Atlanta you'll be going West to the grocery store one minute and the next your winding up a mountain headed East towards South Carolina. Let's just say Siri has been like a friend to me lately.

The second thing I noticed was that people are abnormally nice here? Like 95% are generally in a good mood. I wouldn't say people in Wichita are all mean but truthfully I'm in a better mood when the weather is lovely 10 months out of the year now too. You walk into any retailer and people actually want to help you instead of run the opposite direction. It is definitely an experience. Who knew, happy people make other people happy=a happier place to live.

The third and most amazing thing about Atlanta compared to Wichita is that THERE IS SO MUCH TO DO HERE. You can spend the day at Stone Mountain, explore some history at one of many many many museums, head down the street to Six flags, make a day trip to LegoLand, visit the Georgia Aquarium, walk around the many different and unique parts of down town, hike up Kennesaw Mountain, go horseback riding, and you have any retailer you could ever want within 20 miles to go shopping. I read that you could eat at a different restaurant for every meal, every single day of the year for five years and still have more left that you haven't tried!! We are foodies so this is AWESOME and we love it!
We can take Brilynn to the park in December and January without being beat up by the wind and negative degree weather. I would say this is a perk of just not living in the Midwest, Wichita isn't the only city with freezing bipolar weather. You have to admit, there is something to be said about good weather and good moods being in relation to each other.

Public transportation exists here too, in Wichita it really doesn't. People who ride the bus are people you don't know in Wichita. Here, people take the bus into town for work every single day! They also have a subway downtown, the MARTA, which may sound normal to some people but in Wichita, this would save people from A LOT OF DUI's and gas $$.

From a college student perspective there many well known Universities all around us. Kennesaw State is around the corner, and there are many colleges downtown. This is an ideal city for college students because there is so much to do, so many people to meet, and so much fun to be had!

As a parent and wife, this city is great because I can entertain my child without having to sit her in front of the TV all day. She can go outside year round, has many many great schooling options, and the churches down here are AWESOME. They also have many Parent's Night Out options here at churches and at the YMCA which enables parents to have a date night for only $5! The kids have about 4.5 hours of non stop fun. This is a win win for us I think.

Word Vomit

You have been reading me ramble about how horrible Wichita is blah blah blah BUT since it is filled with many many childhood memories for me I will always call it home. Do I want to live there again someday? Nope. BUT I do appreciate the people I love and know there. I think everyone from there needs to experience another city though, whether it be Lawrence KS, Kansas City, or Atlanta. You need to see what else is out there because it will make you grow as a person. Not everyone in Wichita is depressed because they live there but I think Wichita is stuck in the present and not really moving towards anything, which can be depressing. I am not depressed, nor was I ever depressed because of the city. You have to take what you are given and make the absolute best of it no matter where you live!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Many Uses for Tea Tree Oil

I have started using many different types of essential oils for cleaning, my beauty products, etc. Essential oils are GREAT if you know how to use them and do your research. They can replace many toxic and harmful chemicals found in beauty products and house hold cleaners. I have been slowly but surely transforming our home to be more GREEN and less toxic by making my own products. Essential oils are used in almost everything I make for home use. (This can also save you tons of $$!)

Tea Tree Oil

  • I have read in several places that Tea Tree oil can make zitty zits go away. Well, I tried it, and IT WORKS. Just dab a little bit on the sucker and it shall be gone in less than 24 hours.
  • You can also use it to get rid of sinus infections! I get these a lot. Drop 4 drops into a kettle or pot and steam with your head under a towel. I haven't tried it yet but have heard it does wonders.
  • You can also put a few drops in a warm bath to help with any aches, cough, or sunburn.
  • Cuts and burns-dab it on there!
  • If you have kiddos this is great for head lice-just add it to shampoo.
  • I use tea tree oil in my home made disinfectant cleaner and my all purpose cleaner at home. It has anti-fungal and bacterial properties and it makes my home smell CLEAN!
  • Add it to your clothes in the dryer for a fresh scent to replace waxy dryer sheets. *I have a small spray bottle that I use with a few drops of tea tree oil and water* I then spray that on my clothes in the dryer...DELISH.
  • It's a great insect repellant-just add to water and spray on your bod.
  • DO NOT EAT TEA TREE OIL. It can have some serious side effects if eaten.
UPDATE*** Do not put tea tree oil directly on skin if you are pregnant or nursing. It is a powerful oil and it has not been FDA approved for pregnant or nursing women to use!***
I bought mine on Amazon because it is the best price!

***Here's a little sneaky secret for those of you who do not have PRIME and really want FREE SHIPPING. (Thanks for raising that to $35 Amazon :|) I shop on Amazon for A LOT of things SO I just add what I want/need over a period time until I reach that $35. Don't worry-Amazon will save your cart for a veddy veddy long time***

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Victorias Secret Sale

Hi all!! Just wanted to share that I ordered the cutest linen pantalones for $35 this morning with FREE SHIPPING from Victoria's Secret. *Free shipping and returns with any swim or coverup purchase* The Semi-annual sale is still going on and you get an EXTRA 20% off any clearance item with the code SAVE20MORE!! My sister found some adorable robes to use for her wedding party for only $17 (IN STORE ONLY) originally $49.50. Online they are $19 *with the 20 percent off* and $6 shipping.

Happy shopping my loves

xoxo GG

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Who Am I

Hey y'all! *yep that's how we talk down here in GA*
I have wanted to start a blog for quite some time now... Hopefully SOMEONE will read it. If not, this will be a compete waste of my day. :)
A tid bit about me:
My husband Caleb, is my rock and the love of my life. We have been married for a year and a half. Today is his birthday! The big 3-0. I can call him old because while I'm only 23, he's THIRTY heh.
We have a 3 year old daughter, Brilynn who is the light of my life.
We are a Christian family and strive to make Christ the center of our lives. Without Him we are nothing and He deserves all the glory!
We recently moved to Atlanta Georgia from Wichita Kansas because my oh-so-hard working husband received a promotion. Since then I have been a stay at home mom and LOVE EVERY MINUTE of it (almost :)). 
Being so far away from our family, located in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Indiana, has made us closer as a family and we have learned how to rely on each other more. Which I interpret as a blessing, BUT I sure do miss my loved ones. A lot.
I have recently started making my own all natural cleaning and beauty products and am learning more and more about the increasingly toxic world we live in. Scary.
Since being a stay at home mommy, I have learned how to coupon & have become quite the thrifty spender aheemmmm I mean shopper :|
I enjoy crafting & Pinteresting & have actually had some successful projects turn out quite nicely! Including some delicious meals that even my toddler likes. Miracle. 
I hope I make it big in the blog world! YEAH!

Until the next post my fwends.........

xoxo GG