Monday, February 3, 2014

My Homemade Deodorant

If you would have told me a couple years ago that I would be making my own deodorant I would have laughed in your face. "AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!" 
Well, turns out, I got time for that because it only takes me like six minutes.


I was doing some research and came across some info that made me hate brand name deodorant.

Like so many other cosmetics, several of the ingredients used in most deodorants and antiperspirants are not so good for you. Like these:
  • Aluminum – This is the primary ingredient in most stuff you’ll buy at the store. It’s a metal which has been linked to breast cancer in women and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. No thanks.
  • Parabens – This synthetic preservative is found in so many personal care products. The largest concern is that these chemicals will disrupt our delicate hormonal balance. Paraben exposure has also been linked to birth defects and organ toxicity.
  • Propylene glycol – This is a petroleum based material. In large quantities, studies have shown that this stuff can cause damage to the central nervous system, liver, and heart.
  • Phthalates – Another class of chemicals that have been linked to a variety of health issues including birth defects.
  • Triclsoan – This chemical is actually classified as a pesticide by the FDA and a probable carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Sounds pretty horrible to me. Honestly, brand name deodorants BURNED ME and my husband & I hate BO that smells like flowers, just plain gross & I tried clinical strength which is $8 for just a morsel. HUGE WASTE of money.

Photo courtesy of Stephen Leigh Burns (No pun intended)
This is from his brand name deodorant. Exactly what was happening to my hubby. Very painful.

So I Decided To Make My Own

I like to use these cute little glass containers found on Amazon:


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil ( Sometimes I add more for extra creamy-ness)
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (If you put anymore than this it sometimes burns your pits, especially after shaving OMG. This is the perfect amount for us :)
  • 1/3 cup arrowroot powder 
  • 10-1,000,000 drops of lavender and your favorite essential oils USE LAVENDER THOUGH because it has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that work hard on them pits
  • I just mash it all together with the back of a spoon. This recipe yields one mini canning jar.

Where I Get The Goods

Coconut oil->I get this at SAMS because its HUGE and I use so so so so much of it. You can also get it in the natural foods section at Kroger or Dillons. Make sure it is organic and extra virgin!
Baking soda->I also get this at SAMS because I use the crap out of it. But you can get it at Kroger or Walmart.
Arrowroot powder->Amazon babay. I bought this in bulk because it was cheaper and I know it'll last me a very very long time.


  1. Now my husband doesn't have horrible pit stains on his shirts anymore.
  2. We aren't burning our pits.
  3. We arent spending tons of $$ on deodorant.
  4. Our pits are odor free & smell good.
  5. We aren't putting cancerous chemicals on our body.
P.S. My pits were a little sweaty the first three-five days that I started using it. Ive read that this is because your body is finally getting rid of the toxins in your body that antiperspirant keeps in from store bought brands. It doesn't stink so don't freak out! I actually sweat A LOT LESS than I used to and my husband reports that he does as well since making our own!!

Happy pits are sexy pits,

xoxo GG

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