Sunday, January 19, 2014

GREEN disinfectant spray

I used to be one of those people that used Clorox wipes for every occasion. Wiping out the car, kitchen counters, bathrooms, tables, children's butts, EVERYTHING. Then I looked up its toxicity on and my life was forever changed. EWG rates products from A-F (kind of like grades) based on toxicity and how environmentally friendly they are. Clorox wipes got a nasty 'ol D. :/ Time for a change!!! The last thing I want is for my child to be touching surfaces that have these chemicals on them and putting them in or around her mouth.


Ingredients:Vinegar, peroxide, lavender, and tea tree oil

 *Fill half the bottle with vinegar then add 10-20 drops of lavender and 10-20 drops of tea tree oil (to desired smell) then I fill the rest of the spray bottle with peroxide annnnnnnnd done.*
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
All of these ingredients have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties=powerful germ killing machine. Cool.

Another perk is that if Brilynn touches surfaces that have this disinfectant on them, it wont be TOXIC and life threatening.
She would have to chug a pretty good amount of this stuff in order for us to have to visit the ER- but if she got some in her mouth we wouldn't have to call poison control! She may have a tummy ache and I would probably take her to the pediatrician if she had any reactions BUT it isnt TOXIC.

&& Not to mention it'll save you $$ to make this instead of buying store products!!! Win.

xoxo GG

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